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ART maniFESTation Recap: "Exceeds expectations by 1,000%"

CT Murals

Updated: Aug 28, 2022

ART maniFESTation: RiseUP for Change, in the words of an attendee, "exceeded expectations by 1,000%". This immersive art experience was what we planned for it to be: an interactive event for supporters that stimulated all five senses and transported our guests to experience the future of Connecticut's vibrant communities through ART, CREATIVITY, and CULTURE. We celebrated the impact public art, creativity, and culture have on the future of Connecticut.

  • A beautiful 6x8 foot outdoor community mural for attendees to help paint under the guidance of Candace, owner of Posh Paint.

  • After checking in, guests were ID'd to enjoy an open bar throughout the evening.

  • A green wall featuring every Artist we've worked with over the past two years.

  • The Portal itself was a show stopper and all the rave. Beautifully designed by Michael Rice and adorned as the background for all our guests' photos and videos.

  • Virtual Reality Station where guests were transported to a unique art world.

  • Custom Projection Art by the talented Brady Welch

  • A unique theatrical performance featuring The Other Voice.

  • An awe-inspiring live painting experience that allowed attendees to frame their favorite piece of the live painting with 50 percent of the proceeds donated back to RiseUP.

  • Beautifully creative body painting on fun and vibrant models by Joy Monroe, who also dolled our faces with creative art.

  • An introduction to our Board and exciting updates from our Executive Director, Matt Conway

  • We awarded our two youth mentees college scholarships presented by a former youth mentee and now Board Member.

  • A beautifully curated Art Gallery featuring our talented Artists. Art pieces were sold and auctioned off, bringing in a 50/50 profit split between RiseUP and our incredible Artist.

  • Delicious vegan, vegetarian, and meat lovers options provided by Bear's BBQ.

  • To top it off, longtime supporter DJ Jonesy had the beats flowing well into the night (which ended with a Bubbly Dance party).

  • The nonstop entertainment was kept alive by Everyone's Best Friend, talented Artist, and emcee Joey Batts.

This experience wasn't just a success because of the number of attendees or the talented artists alone. It was a success thanks to the whole experience that left everyone feeling inspired and honored to be a part of a pivotal movement in Connecticut. There is no secret the power public art has on beautifying spaces and inspiring its viewers.

We are truly thankful for your support of our new signature event and look forward to the 2023 Art Manifestation. Join us at an upcoming event.

Special Thanks to our Performers/Arts

Joey Batts: EmCee & Artist, @rapjoeybatts

DJ Jonesy: DJ, @jonesyteam

Michael Rice & Marshall Cook: The Portal: Immersive Art Installation, @michaelriceart @marshallcoook

Annika Rhea: Body Painting Performance, @annikarheaart

Other Voice Theater: Integrated Characters & Performers, @theothervoicetheater

Brady Welch: Projection Artist, @bradyinstead

Joy Monroe & Models: Body Paint & Face Paint Activation, @soulforart

Special Thank You to Our Major Sponsors:

Imagine Sponsors: Rhino Capital Advisors, Bear's BBQ

Dream Sponsors: Northmarq Capital, Bireme Capital, Reid and Riege, P.C, Ruel Ruel Burns & Britt, LLC, Minea Family, Demadis Family, Sue Collins, Continental Law Group, RM Bradley, and the Pohlad Foundation.

ART maniFESTation: A RiseUP and MAD production

Thank You from the Event Committee

Robert Garrey, Carmen Conway, Ryan Demadis, Max Amster, Anabel Siegal, Lauren Clayton, Wilson Beltran, Nick Sheridan, Harry Amadasun, Lindsay Vigue, Matt Conway, Brianna Walston, Megan Fontaine, Trisana Spence, Gerina Fullwood, and Michael Rice

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